FAQ & Site Info
Art of Adornment® is an online-only store based in Winnipeg MB Canada, and is run by one very hard working person (Elaine "Valerian" Foster, Ebay seller since 2001, professional website since 2005 as Art of Adornment, and Etsy since 2006). She not only makes most of the products, does all the shipping, bookkeeping, graphic design and customer service, as well as some product photography and even some occasional modelling. Originally trained as a painter and sculptor, Elaine has been creating and exhibiting her work since 1989. Never without an alternative edge, her punk days of the early 1980's ushered her into a lifestyle of what would become the Goth/Industrial subculture, touches of which can be seen in all of her creations since.The transformation from artist into jewelry designer occurred in early 2004, rising later as "Art of Adornment" in early 2005 from the ashes of Elaine's 12-year career of picture framing (which eventually damaged the tendons in both shoulders due to strenuous physical work). Doctor's orders were the best thing that ever could have happened to her though. Elaine revived her teenage passion of creating jewelry from new and vintage parts, and hasn't looked back since.
However the "experimental" jewelry of Elaine's teen days is long gone. Now she selects only high quality and skillfully crafted components, many of which she faux-finishes and alters herself. In doing so, she chooses not to "cut corners" to ensure you get an attractive durable product and reliable time-tested professional service. On the other hand, she respects your hard-earned income and does not inflate her prices just to be pretentious. Elaine feels that pricing should reflect the materials, skill and passion put into them, not enormous markups. She believes accessories design AND customer service is an art, and art should be available to everyone!
Here in our eCRATER shop, you will find an introductory selection from the 200+ designs Elaine currently has available, as well as imported items like gloves, tights and decor.
Read our Ebay feedback!
More Art of Adornment:
• Web Shop: https://www.artofadornment.ca
• Ebay: https://stores.ebay.ca/artofadornment
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artofadornment
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artofadornment.ca
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtOfAdornment
Art of Adornment® Reg. TM of Elaine Foster